A-Z Databases Digital Repository
Acknowledgement of Problematic Subject Headings
Red Deer Polytechnic Library recognizes that our catalogue and resource descriptions contain language that reflects the biases, norms, and perspectives of the time in which they were created. In particular, for resources about persons and groups, this language is often outdated and harmful. These descriptions also incorporate controlled vocabularies, such as the Library of Congress Subject Headings, which include some headings (e.g., Indians of North America), that are offensive or inappropriate. We use international standards for description, but support and actively participate in efforts to update and change these practices as we strive for descriptions that are inclusive, respectful, and do not cause harm. We acknowledge the critical importance of community consultation in these efforts, and as residents on Treaty 7 and Treaty 6 territories and Métis Region 3 we commit to working together with our local communities to make these changes.
Red Deer Polytechnic Library is excited to announce that, on May 1, 2025, there will be a new way for students, faculty, and staff to search for and find library resources.
An index with full text for books and articles on language, literature, folklore, and linguistics.
Reference works, books, study guides, literary journals and videos, and more.
Biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism, and reviews on writers in all disciplines, from all time periods, and from around the world.
Journals, books and other sources from around the world pertaining to literary, scholarly, and creative thought.
This database contains full-text scholarly journals and Open Access academic books in the areas of the arts, humanities, social sciences, and mathematics.
A digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources.
JSTOR is not a current database, but rather an archive of back issues, with a 1-5 year gap between current issues and available back issues.
This database indexes and provides full-text access to major Canadian newspapers. Graphical material (illustrations, photographs, etc.) is excluded.
Access to educationally relevant feature films, including classics, documentaries, animated titles, independent films, and foreign films.
The authoritative guide to the meaning, history, usage, and pronunciation of words.
This collection of online encyclopedias covers multiple topics. An alternative to Wikipedia.
Includes book reviews, essays, author biographies, and more.
Reviews of English language and Canadian-authored scholarly, reference, trade, children’s and teen books published in Canada from 1978 to 2012.
Provides access to a rich body of literary content, including criticism, ebooks, e-journals, bibliographical entries, and more, including content from the Shakespeare Collection.
This video collection of documentaries, films, demonstrations and more, spans subject areas like anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, etc.
Access to educationally relevant feature films, including classics, documentaries, animated titles, independent films, and foreign films.
This streaming video collection features programs and teacher resource guides supporting K-12 and post-secondary courses. Includes News in Review, a current-events series. Contains English and French primary sources.
Instructional and educational streaming videos in a wide range of subject areas. Includes performance rights for classroom use.
A film collection which includes documentaries, indie and foreign films, classics, and blockbuster movies. A small selection has been purchased for use by RDP students, faculty, and staff. Faculty can request films by contacting their Subject Librarian.
This collection includes documentaries, animations, experimental films, and alternative dramas. Public performance rights for classroom use included.
Flash player required for NFB/Interactive and manage chapters by CAMPUS subscribers.
This streaming video collection includes text and video clips demonstrating children in action by capturing the details of what children know and how teachers can build from children's knowledge.
RDP Library can bring in items from libraries across North America for you.
Use your RDP Email and Password
to request items through Interlibrary Loan
Use your RDP email and password to access databases and e-resources off-campus. Learn about your RDP email and password.
Note that your RDP email requires multi-factor authentication (MFA). Learn about MFA.
Red Deer Polytechnic recognizes that our campus is situated on Treaty 7 land, the traditional territory of the Blackfoot, Tsuu T’ina and Stoney Nakoda peoples, and that the central Alberta region we serve falls under Treaty 6, traditional Métis, Cree and Saulteaux territory. We honour the First Peoples who have lived here since time immemorial, and we give thanks for the land where RDP sits. This is where we will strive to honour and transform our relationships with one another.