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MLA Citation Style 8th Edition

This guide will help you cite sources in MLA Citation Style 8th Edition.

Page or Document from a Website

Citation Recipe

  1. Author.    Quade, Alex.
  2. Title of source.      "Elite Team Rescues Troops behind Enemy Lines."
  3. Title of container,,
  4. Other contributors,    
  5. Version,
  6. Number,    
  7. Publishers,    
  8. Publication date,     19 Mar. 2007,
  9. Location.


In-Text Citation


Works Cited

Quade, Alex. "Elite Team Rescues Troops behind Enemy Lines.", 19 Mar. 2007,


Check How to Build a Citation to learn how to find and format individual elements of the citation.

If an element is not present (e.g., other contributors), leave it out.

MLA recommends including the URL unless your instructor specifies that it shouldn't be included (p. 48).

Entire Website

Citation Recipe

  1. Author.    Eaves, Morris, et al., editors.
  2. Title of source.      The William Blake Archive.
  3. Title of container,    
  4. Other contributors,    
  5. Version,
  6. Number,    
  7. Publishers,  Library of Congress,
  8. Publication date,     2016,
  9. Location.


In-Text Citation

(Eaves et al.)

Works Cited

Eaves, Morris, et al., editors. The William Blake Archive. Library of Congress, 2016,


Check How to Build a Citation to learn how to find and format individual elements of the citation.

If an element is not present (e.g., other contributors), leave it out.

MLA recommends including the URL unless your instructor specifies that it shouldn't be included (p. 48).