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Nursing & Health

This guide will help you find information relevant to Nursing & Health topics.


In groups of 3, please assign someone to each of the following roles:

  • Manager: ensures that assigned tasks are being completed on time and all members of the group are participating in the activities and understanding the concepts
  • Recorder: records the group's answers in the forms below - please remember to click "submit"
  • Spokesperson: reports back to the class and asks questions on behalf of the group

Working together, please complete the four tasks below.  You will have 35 minutes total to complete the tasks, so please pay close attention to the time. If you complete one task, you may move on to the next in the sequence in order. Please remember to submit your answers.

Task #1

In CINAHL, run a basic search for "dementia."

As a group, agree on your answers to the following questions. These questions should take 10 minutes.

Task #2

In CINAHL, start a new search. Re-run a basic search for "dementia."

As a group, agree on your answers to the following questions. These questions should take 10 minutes.

Task #3

At your care home workplace, there have been complaints around dementia patients' expressions of sexuality. Your team needs some research on whether these patients can give informed consent.

As a group, agree on your answers to the following questions. These questions should take 10 minutes.

Task #4

At your care home workplace, there have been complaints around dementia patients' expressions of sexuality. Your team needs some research on whether these patients can give informed consent.

As a group, agree on your answers to the following questions. These questions should take 5 minutes. You will use: