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Open Educational Resources (OER)

Information about using open educational resources (OER) at Red Deer Polytechnic.


When selecting resources for your course:

  • Use your course learning outcomes to guide your OER search; ask yourself "what resources will help my students achieve the outcomes?"
  • Look for openly licensed assessments to save time

Modify or Adapt


Add Attribution

If you are using openly licensed works (e.g. public domain, creative commons), always attribute in the format the creator has indicated.

If there are no instructions from the creator, then use Open Attribution Builder to create an attribution, or use TASL:

TASL - Include at minimum the following:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Source (i.e. the URL)
  • License type (i.e. Creative Commons)


Title Author Source License (TASL)


OER Basics” by Kelsey Smith is licensed Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Note: In this example, the Title is linked to the Source and the License is linked to the Creative Commons website. 


Add OER to Blackboard

  • Add OER textbook links to your Blackboard course and course outline.
  • The preferred format is the "Read Online" or "Web" versions; this format retains embedded content and interactivity. This format also provides links to other available formats, empowering students to select the format that best meets their needs.

Print OER

  • OER can be printed and downloaded (in whole or in part) without restriction.
  • Direct students to visit the Print Centre on campus to print OER book chapters or the book in its entirety.
  • Softcover bound copies of select OER can be ordered via BCcampus OpenEd.

OER Toolkits

These are a helpful starting point: