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Writing Skills Tutoring

Free writing skills tutoring for RDP students.

Closed for the Summer

Writing Skills Tutoring is closed for the summer and will reopen in late August 2024. 

For all inquiries about Writing Skills Tutoring, please contact the Red Deer Polytechnic Library. Thanks and have a great summer!

Welcome to Writing Skills Tutoring!

Writing Tutors provide personalized help with your academic writing.

  • Appointments
    • individual help
    • in-person or online
    • 15 or 45 minutes
  • Drop-In
    • writing help for any RDP student in any program
    • no appointment needed
  • Email
    • individual help by email
    • for any RDP student in any program
  • Writing Groups
    • for students in Nursing (BScN and PN), and Social Work.


Click "Book Appointment" and choose your preferred location (in-person or online). You can upload your writing assignment within the appointment booking screen.

  • In-Person appointments will be in the Tutoring Centre, room 2006G, upstairs in the Library.
  • Online appointments use Microsoft Teams. 

Book Appointment

If none of the available times work, alternate arrangements may be possible. Email to discuss.

Drop-In Writing Help

A Writing Tutor is available for in-person drop-in writing help. No appointment needed! All students welcome!

Drop-in is held in the Tutoring Centre (Library 2nd Floor, room 2006G).

See the calendar for drop-in dates and times.

Get Writing Help by Email

We offer writing help by email. Send an email to and include:

  • your full name, RDP student number, and program of study
  • assignment details from your course outline, including due date
  • an attachment of your essay or rough draft (Word or Google Docs preferred)
  • your top 2-3 writing concerns or questions
  • how you heard about Writing Skills Tutoring

The Writing Tutor will email your essay back with their comments and suggestions.

Response times will vary. When your email has been received, the Writing Tutor will inform you of the expected turn-around time.

Writing Groups

Work on your assignments in an informal, supportive environment, with the Writing Tutor available to answer questions, offer suggestions, and share information and advice.

No appointment needed and attendance is not mandatory—attend the sessions you want when it works for you! In-person or online.

Grab a friend and come write with us!

Fall 2024 Writing Groups

Writing Groups for BScN, PN, and Social Work are planned. Check back in September for more details!

Would you like to see a Writing Group for another program or area? Email your suggestions to the Academic Writing Tutor at