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The RDP Makerspace is a place to learn through exploration, innovation, and creation.

Makerspace Techs



Pronouns: She / Her
Areas of Expertise: 3D Printing, Digital Art, Cricut, Sewing, Crafts, Lego Mindstorms

Felicia is an alumnus of the RDP Visual Arts program and has worked in several roles at RDP since then. She has worked as a Makerspace Technician from 2017-2020 and is glad to be back for the re-opening!

Favourite thing in the Makerspace: 3D Printers / Sewing Machines

Favourite thing you've 3D Printed: My collection of various 3D printed animal skulls.

Something you're currently learning: Quilting

Hobbies: Crafting, Lego, Drawing (traditional and digital), video games, D&D

Favourite genre of music: Broadway and Alternative

Pineapples on pizza? Yes. And ranch dressing too.



Pronouns: He / Him
Areas of Expertise: Audiovisual projects, 3D Printing, Computing

Riley has worked at RDP for the last 5 years. He enjoys guiding Makerspace users through new technology and helping them reach their creative goals.

Favourite thing in the Makerspace: A tie between our 3D Printers and Studio room

Favourite thing you've 3D Printed: Anything that prints with bendy articulated parts! 

Something you're currently learning: Advanced Photoshop techniques and 3D Design

Hobbies: Softball, snowboarding, video games and movies.

Favourite genre of music: Alternative rock

Pineapples on pizza? Never.

Makerspace Librarian



Pronouns: She / Her
Areas of Expertise: Cricut vinyl cutting, Cricut heat press, information and digital literacy

Sona has been a Librarian at Red Deer Polytechnic since 2001. Her interests include learning space design, maker culture, and data visualization. She enjoys a good cup of Earl Grey tea.

Favourite thing in the Makerspace: Cricut & Heat Press

Favourite thing she's 3D Printed: mini plant pots

Something she's currently learning: 3D design for the laser machine

Hobbies: crafting, design, data visualization

Favourite genre of music: many different genres, especially when mashed up together!

Pineapples on pizza? 100% yes!!!