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APA Citation Style 7th Edition

This guide will help you cite sources in APA Citation Style 7th Edition.

Basic Webpage

General Format

In-Text Citation (Quotation)

(Author Surname, Year, page [if available] or section heading/paragraph number)

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase) (APA does not require the page number, check with your instructor for preference)

(Author Surname, Year)


Personal or Corporate Author. (Last update or publication date; if not known, use n.d.). Title of specific webpage. Site Name. URL of specific webpage

Example: Webpage with an Individual Author

In-Text Citation (Quotation)

(Sims, 2018, para. 2)

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase) (APA does not require the page number, check with your instructor for preference)

(Sims, 2018) 


Sims, A. (2018, February 26). The most popular houseplants of spring 2018. Architectural Digest.

Example: Webpage with a Group Author that has a Known Abbreviation

In-Text Citation (Quotation)

(Human Resources Institute of Alberta [HRIA], 2015, para. 2)     For the first time you cite this source.

(HRIA, 2015, para. 2)     For any subsequent citations.

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase) (APA does not require the page number, check with your instructor for preference)

(Human Resources Institute of Alberta [HRIA], 2015)     For the first time you cite this source.

(HRIA, 2015)     For any subsequent citations 


Human Resources Institute of Alberta. (2015). Protecting the public. 

Tip: When the group author is the same as the site name, you do not need to include the site name (10.16).


  • Find more examples on the official APA Style website and in the APA Manual (10.16).
  • Sometimes sources are missing pieces of information that you would typically include in a citation (like an author or a date). Use this Missing Reference Information guide created by APA to help you cite these sources.
  • If the website name is the same as the name of the group author, you do not need to include the site name in the reference entry (10.16).
  • When citing sources that you find online, most will not require a retrieval date. Only include a retrieval date if the information you viewed is from an unarchived source that is likely to change over time (9.16). If you reference an article from Wikipedia, for example, you would not need a retrieval date because there is an archive available.
  • The file type will not impact the citation. To cite a PDF source, determine the type of source (e.g. government publication, book, article, etc.) and use the format for that source type.

Online Government Publication

General Format

In-Text Citation (Quotation)

(Government Author, Year, page or paragraph number [if available])

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase) (APA does not require the page number, check with your instructor for preference)

(Government Author, Year)


Name of Government Agency. (Year). Title of document: Subtitle (Report No. xxx [if available]). Publisher or Parent Agencies (if applicable). URL of specific document


In-Text Citation (Quotation)

(National Advisory Committee on Immunization [NACI], 2023, para. 2)     For the first time you cite this source.

(NACI, 2023, para. 2)     For any subsequent citations.

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase) (APA does not require the page number, check with your instructor for preference)

(National Advisory Committee on Immunization [NACI], 2023)     For the first time you cite this source.

(NACI, 2023)     For any subsequent citations 


National Advisory Committee on Immunization. (2023). Interim guidance on the use of bivalent Omicron-containing COVID-19 vaccines for primary series (Catalogue no. HP5-158/1-2023E-PDF). Government of Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada.


  • Authors:
    • If individual person(s) are named on the title page, use them as the author.
    • If no individual person is named as an author, use the government agency, department, or branch as a group author. Give the name of the group author exactly as it appears on the title page.
    • If the group author is also the publisher, omit the publisher element.
    • If the group author has parent agencies, include the parent agencies in the source element as the publisher. (For example, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization is a sub-division of the Public Health Agency of Canada.) The official APA Style website has a longer explanation and an example: Report by a Government Agency References
  • Report number. Many government reports in Canada have a catalogue number instead of a report number. If a source does not have a report number or a catalogue number, omit the report number.
  • More information. See the APA Manual (10.4) for more information and examples.

Canadian Legislation

The APA Manual recommends that legal materials be cited in the standard legal style (11.1).
The Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (10th ed.) or "The McGill Guide" would technically be the Canadian standard. 
Location: KF 259 C212 2023 (Reserve & Main Collection)
Common abbreviations: Revised Statutes of Alberta (RSA); Revised Statutes of Canada (RSC); Statutes of Canada (SC)
c = Chapter
s = Section

Canadian Legislation (APA Adaptation)

In-Text Citation

(Administration of Estates Act, 2000)


Administration of Estates Act, RSA 2000, c A-2.

In-Text Citation

(Copyright Act, 1985)


Copyright Act, RSC 1985, c C-42, s 34(1).

Online Reference Work

General Format

In-Text Citation (Quotation)

(Author Surname, Year, page [if available] or section heading/paragraph number)

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase) (APA does not require the page number, check with your instructor for preference)

(Author Surname, Year)


Personal or Corporate Author. (Publication or last update date; if not know, use n.d.). Title of specific entry. In Name of Book. URL of specific webpage

Example: Entry in Online Dictionary with Group Author

In-Text Citation (Quotation)

(Merriam-Webster, n.d., Definition of Citation, para. 1).

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase) (APA does not require the page number, check with your instructor for preference)

(Merriam-Webster, n.d.)


Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Citation. In dictionary. Retrieved May 1, 2020, from

Tip: When an online reference work is continuously updated and not archived, your entry should include a retrieval date (the date you viewed the website).

Tip: See the APA Manual (10.3) for more information and examples.

CPS (formerly RxTx)

Please note this guidance was recently updated to align with the 7th edition.

General Format (Online Reference Work)

In-Text Citation (Quotation)

(Author Surname, Year, section heading and/or paragraph number)

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase) (APA does not require the page number, check with your instructor for preference)

(Author Surname, Year)


Personal or Corporate Author. (Publication or last update date; if not know, use n.d.). Title of specific entry. CPS. https://cps-pharmacists-ca


In-Text Citation (Quotation)

(Canadian Pharmacists Association [CPA], 2021, para. 2)     For the first time you cite this source.

(CPA, 2021, para. 2)     For any subsequent citations.

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase) (APA does not require the page number, check with your instructor for preference)

(Canadian Pharmacists Association [CPA], 2021)     For the first time you cite this source.

(CPA, 2021)     For any subsequent citations.


Canadian Pharmacists Association. (2021). Tylenol® with Codeine No. 4. CPS. https://cps-pharmacists-ca

Tip: Since CPS is a database that requires readers to login, provide the URL of the database login page instead of the URL for the specific document (9.34).


General Format

In-Text Citation (Quotation)

(Title of Page, Year, Section Heading section)

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase) (APA does not require the page number, check with your instructor for preference)

(Title of Page, Year)


Title of Page. (Publication or last update date; if not know, use n.d.). Lexicomp. Retrieved [today's date], from


In-Text Citation (Quotation)

(Acetaminophen, 2023, Adverse Reactions section)    

In-Text Citation (Paraphrase) (APA does not require the page number, check with your instructor for preference)

(Acetaminophen, 2023)  


Acetaminophen (Lexi-Drugs). (2023, September 9). Lexicomp. Retrieved September 12, 2023, from

Tip: Since Lexicomp is an unarchived source that is likely to change, include the retrieval date, the date you viewed the source. This indicates to readers that the version of the source they retrieve may be different from the version you used (9.16).

Tip: Since Lexicomp is a database that requires readers to login, provide the URL of the database login page instead of the URL for the specific document (9.34).