Citing the Traditional Knowledge and Oral Histories of Indigenous peoples may occur in several different ways:
Mumilaaq Qaqqaq notes that "mumi is dance (in Inuktitut) and laaq is little one" (Neary, 2019, para. 13).
Neary, D. (2019, Nov. 13). Quaqqaq to bring NDP leader Jagmeet Singh to Nunavut. Nunavut News.
Mary Two-Axe Earley (Kanien'kehá:ka [Mohawk] elder, from the reserve of Kahnawà:ke, Quebec, Canada, personal communication, March 1995) explained how the Indian Act discriminated against First Nations women. She described...
Not included in Reference List.
Be very careful when working with published works, especially older works, to ensure that the information about Indigenous peoples is accurate and appropriate to share. For example, some stories are told only at certain times of year or by certain people.
This video will introduce you to citing Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers. As you watch, consider what defines an Elder or Knowledge Keeper.
Please note this video includes guidance developed by Indigenous librarians at NorQuest College, UBC's X̱wi7x̱wa Library, and Simon Fraser University, and may not align exactly with the guidance found in the APA Style Manual (7th ed.).
Indigenous Information Literacy - Elder Citation APA by Rachel Chong at KPU Library (2021).
Treaties may be cited as legal documents/legislation or as primary documents/archival materials.
Red Deer Polytechnic recognizes that our campus is situated on Treaty 7 land, the traditional territory of the Blackfoot, Tsuu T’ina and Stoney Nakoda peoples, and that the central Alberta region we serve falls under Treaty 6, traditional Métis, Cree and Saulteaux territory. We honour the First Peoples who have lived here since time immemorial, and we give thanks for the land where RDP sits. This is where we will strive to honour and transform our relationships with one another.