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APA Citation Style 7th Edition

This guide will help you cite sources in APA Citation Style 7th Edition.



NEW FAQ (with video!): How do I cite a nursing textbook?

Ackley and Ladwig's Nursing Diagnosis Handbook

This textbook should be considered an edited book. Although it appears to be an authored book (the whole book is written by the same group of people) based on the cover and title page, the first page of each chapter identifies a specific subset of authors. Since each chapter has individually identified authors, each chapter should be cited separately in the references list.

For this book, I recommend APA Style's standard "Chapter in an Edited Book" example: APA 7th ed.

In some cases, the chapter authors are the same as the book's editors. For these chapters, these individuals should be listed twice (as both the chapter's author and as the book's editors) where appropriate.

Chapter Example (12th edition):

Ladwig, G. B., Makic, M. B. F., & Martinez-Kratz, M. (2022). Nursing process, clinical reasoning, nursing diagnosis, and evidence-based nursing. In B. J. Ackley, G. B. Ladwig, M. B. F. Makic, M. Martinez-Kratz, & M. Zanotti (Eds.), Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care (12th ed., pp. 1-15). Elsevier.

Chapter Example (13th edition):

Makic, M. B. F., & Martinez-Kratz, M. (2023). Nursing process, clinical reasoning, nursing diagnosis, and evidence-based nursing. In M. B. F. Makic & M. R. Martinez-Kratz (Eds.), Ackley and Ladwig's nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care (13th ed., pp. 1-15). Elsevier.

Brunner & Suddarth

This textbook was originally an American publication (Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 14th ed.) that has been adapted to a Canadian context (Brunner & Suddarth's Canadian Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 4th ed.). The original American text is written/edited by Hinkle and Cheever, who (confusingly) are described as "authors" on the title page. The text was adapted to a Canadian context by El Hussein and Osuji, who do not have a specified role but are both prominent on the book's cover.

For obvious reasons, the American Psychological Association does not have specific rules for books that have been adapted into a Canadian context. For this book, I recommend using our homemade "Chapter in an Edited Book with Canadian and American Editors" example: APA 7th ed.

We decided to treat Hinkle and Cheever as the original editors, and El Hussein and Osuji as the Canadian editors. Although the chapters say "Adapted by...", I recommend treating these names as the chapter authors. (We do have homemade guidelines for "Adapted Chapters," but those are intended for books with both a chapter author and a chapter "adapter," which is not the case for this book.)

Chapter Example:

Power-Kean, K. (2020). Assessment of immune function. In J. L. Hinkle & K. H. Cheever (Eds.), & M. El Hussein & J. Osuji (Cdn. Eds.), Brunner & Suddarth's Canadian textbook of medical-surgical nursing (4th ed., pp. 1515-1532). Wolters Kluwer. 

Whole Book:

Hinkle, J. L., & Cheever, K. H. (Eds.), & El Hussein, M., & Osuji, J. (Cdn. Eds.). (2020). Brunner & Suddarth's Canadian textbook of medical-surgical nursing (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. 

Canadian Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques

This textbook was originally an American publication (Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 9th ed.) that has been adapted to a Canadian context (Canadian Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 1st ed.). The original American text is written by Perry, Potter, and Ostendorf  and edited by Laplante. The Canadian edition was edited by Cobbett.

For obvious reasons, the American Psychological Association does not have specific rules for books that have been adapted into a Canadian context. For this book, I recommend using our homemade "Chapter in an Edited Book with Canadian and American Editors" example: APA 7th ed.

We decided to treat Perry, Potter, Ostendorf, and Laplante as the original editors, and Cobbett as the Canadian editor. The chapters do not identify a Canadian "adapter," so chapter authors can be listed normally.

Chapter Example (1st Ed.):

Aebersold, M., & D'Eon, P. (2020). Transitions in care. In A. G. Perry, P. A. Potter, W. R. Ostendorf, & N. Laplante (Eds.), & S. Cobbett (Cdn. Ed.), Canadian clinical nursing skills and techniques (1st ed., pp. 12-35). Elsevier.

Chapter Example (2nd Ed.):

Leplante, N., & D'Eon, P. (2025). Transitions in care. In A. G. Perry, P. A. Potter, W. R. Ostendorf, & N. Laplante (Eds.), & S. Cobbett (Cdn. Ed.), Canadian clinical nursing skills and techniques (2nd ed., pp. 13-33). Elsevier.

Whole Book:

Perry, A. G., Potter, P. A., Ostendorf, W. R., & Laplante, N. (Eds.), & Cobbett, S. (Cdn. Ed.). (2025). Canadian clinical nursing skills and techniques (2nd ed.). Elsevier.

Foundations for Success in Nursing: Manual

Foundations for Success in Nursing: Manual is an Open Educational Resource (OER) that Sarah Malo and Maggie Convey are currently creating on the Pressbooks platform, via Open Education Alberta.

We recommend citing this as a chapter in an (online) edited book: APA 7th ed.

  • For some chapters, it is possible that Malo and Convey will be both the chapter authors and the book editors.
  • For some chapters, it is possible the chapter author will be a group author. In APA Style (7th ed.), the name of the group author should not be abbreviated in the reference list entry: APA Style Group Author Abbreviations

Chapter Examples

Convey, M., & Malo, S. (2021). Communicating with instructors. In S. Malo & M. Convey (Eds.), Foundations for success in nursing: Manual. Open Education Alberta.

Lapum, J., St-Amant, O., Hughes, M., & Garmaise-Yee, J. (2021). Overview of communication. In S. Malo & M. Convey (Eds.), Foundations for success in nursing: Manual. Open Education Alberta.

Open Resources for Nursing. (2021). Proxemics. In S. Malo & M. Convey (Eds.), Foundations for success in nursing: Manual. Open Education Alberta.

Jarvis Physical Examination and Health Assessment

This textbook was originally an American publication (Physical Examination & Health Assessment, 9th ed.) that has been adapted to a Canadian context (Physical Examination & Health Assessment, 4th Cdn. ed.). The original American text is written/edited by Jarvis and Eckhardt. The Canadian edition was edited and adapted by Browne, MacDonald-Jenkins, and Luctkar-Flude.

For obvious reasons, the American Psychological Association does not have specific rules for books that have been adapted into a Canadian context. For this book, I recommend using our homemade "Chapter in an Edited Book with Canadian and American Editors" and our homemade "Adapted Chapter in an Edited Book" examples: APA 7th ed.

We decided to treat Jarvis and Eckhardt as the original editors, and Browne, MacDonald-Jenkins, and Luctkar-Flude as the Canadian editors. For some chapters, the book editors are also the chapter authors; in this case, you include these names as both chapter authors and book editors.

Note that, as per the copyright page, the book's proper title is Physical Examination & Health Assessment - without the word "Jarvis," which the cover and title page both imply.

Chapter Example (3rd ed.):

Jarvis, C. (2019). The interview (A. J. Browne, Cdn. Adapt.). In C. Jarvis (Ed.), & A. J. Browne, J. MacDonald-Jenkins, & M. Luctkar-Flude (Cdn. Eds.), Physical examination and health assessment (3rd Cdn. ed., pp. 46-61). Elsevier.

Chapter Example (4th ed.):

Jarvis, C. (2024). Critical thinking and evidence-informed assessment (A. J. Browne, Cdn. Adapt.). In C. Jarvis & A. Eckhardt (Eds.), & A. J. Browne, J. MacDonald-Jenkins, & M. Luctkar-Flude (Cdn. Eds.), Physical examination and health assessment (4th Cdn. ed., pp. 1-10). Elsevier.

Whole Book (4th ed.):

Jarvis, C., & Eckhardt, A. (Eds.), & Browne, A. J., MacDonald-Jenkins, J., & Luctkar-Flude, M. (Cdn. Eds.). (2024). Physical examination and health assessment (4th Cdn. ed.). Elsevier.

Lewis's Medical Surgical Nursing in Canada

This textbook was originally an American publication Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 11th ed.) that has been adapted to a Canadian context (Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing in Canada: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 5th ed.). The original American text is authored by Harding and edited by Kwong, Roberts, Hagler, and Reinisch. The Canadian edition was edited and adapted by Tyerman and Cobbett.

For this book, we decided to treat the American contributors as "authors" and the Canadian contributors as "editors." This combination isn't explicitly from the APA Manual, but it combines APA's existing rules for authored books and edited books.

Chapter Example:

Harding, M. M. (2023). Introduction to medical-surgical nursing practice in Canada (J. Tyerman Cdn. Adapt.). In M. M. Harding, J. Kwong, D. Roberts, D. Hagler, & C. Reinisch (Eds.), & J. Tyerman, & S. L. Cobbett (Cdn. Eds.), Lewis's medical-surgical nursing in Canada: Assessment and management of clinical problems (5th ed., pp. 2-19). Elsevier.

Whole Book (5th Ed.):

Harding, M. M., Kwong, J., Roberts, D., Hagler, D., & Reinisch, C. (Eds.), & Tyerman, J., & Cobbett, S. L. (Cdn. Eds.). (2023). Lewis's medical-surgical nursing in Canada: Assessment and management of clinical problems (5th ed.). Elsevier.


Lilley’s Pharmacology

This textbook was originally an American publication (Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, 9th ed.) that has been adapted to a Canadian context (Lilley’s Pharmacology for Canadian Health Care Practice, 4th ed.). The original American text is authored by Lilley, Collins, and Snyder. The Canadian edition was edited and adapted by Sealock and Seneviratne.

For this book, we decided to treat the American contributors as "authors" and the Canadian contributors as "editors." This combination isn't explicitly from the APA Manual, but it combines APA's existing rules for authored books and edited books.

Whole Book:

Lilley, L. L., Collins, S. R., Snyder, J. S., Sealock, K., & Seneviratne, C. (Cdn. Eds.). (2021). Lilley's pharmacology for Canadian health care practice (4th ed.). Elsevier.

Miller's Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults


This textbook was originally an American publication (Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults, 7th ed.) that has been adapted to a Canadian context (Miller's Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults, Canadian ed.). The original American text is authored by Miller. The Canadian edition was authored by Hirst, Lane, and Miller.

Since Miller is listed as an author on the Canadian edition, I recommend treating this as a normal book. The chapters are not authored individually, so I recommend using APA's basic book examples: APA 7th ed.


The APA Style Publication Manual (7th ed.) notes that "if a work is published by an imprint or division, use the imprint or division as the publisher" (Section 9.29). In this case, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins is an imprint of Wolters Kluwer. For our students, I recommend grading either as correct.

Whole Book:

Hirst, S. P., Lane, A. M., & Miller, C. A. (2015). Miller's nursing for wellness in older adults (Cdn. ed.). Wolters Kluwer. 

Mosby's Canadian Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests

This textbook was originally an American publication (Mosby's Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests, 5th ed.) that has been adapted to a Canadian context (Mosby's Canadian Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests, 2nd ed.). The original American text is written by Pagana and Pagana. The text was edited and adapted to a Canadian context by Pike-MacDonald.

For this book, there are two options:

  1. All three people can be considered "authors." This looks like:

Pagana, K. D., Pagana, T. J., & Pike-MacDonald, S. A. (2019).

  1. The first two people can be listed as "authors," and the third person can be listed as an "editor." This combination isn't explicitly from the APA Manual, but it combines APA's existing rules for authored books and edited books. It looks like:

Pagana, K. D., & Pagana, T. J., & Pike-MacDonald, S. A. (Cdn. Ed.). (2019).

An argument can be made for either option. I prefer Option #1, for the sake of simplicity. However, students are generally uncomfortable with discarding the "editor-ness" of the Canadian adapter, as this is something they're graded on in other citations. For this source, I recommend that both options are graded as correct.

National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health

Resources from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) should be considered on a case-by-case basis. For example, this work is an article and should be cited as such. For other content on NLM, such as this work, use the "basic webpage" citation style as it tends to be the most flexible.

Let's review both examples above as full citations.

Article from the NLM:

Barnes, A.S., & Coulter, S.A. (2011). The epidemic of obesity and diabetes. The Texas Heart Institute Journal, 38(2), 142-144. 

General Content from NLM, Cited as a Webpage:

GenBank. (n.d.). GenBank overview. National Library of Medicine. 

Nursing Research in Canada

This textbook was originally an American publication (Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice, 10th ed.) that has been adapted to a Canadian context (LoBiondo-Wood and Haber's Nursing Research in Canada: Methods, Critical Appraisal, and Utilization, 5th ed.). The original American text is written by LoBiondo-Wood and Haber, who are described as "authors." The text was adapted to a Canadian context by Singh, Thirsk, Stahlke, and Perumal.

For obvious reasons, the American Psychological Association does not have specific rules for books that have been adapted into a Canadian context. For this book, I recommend using our homemade "Chapter in an Edited Book with Canadian and American Editors" example: APA 7th ed.

We decided to treat LoBiondo-Wood and Haber as the original editors, and Singh, Thirsk, Stahlke, and Perumal as the Canadian editors. For some chapters, the book editors are also the chapter authors; in this case, you include these names as both chapter authors and book editors. 

Chapter Example:

Thirsk, L. (2022). Critiquing qualitative research. In G. LoBiondo-Wood, & J. Haber (Eds.), & M. D. Singh, L. M. Thirsk, S. Stahlke, & R. V. Perumal (Cdn. Eds.), LoBiondo-Wood and Haber's nursing research in Canada: Methods, critical appraisal, and utilization (5th ed., pp. 416-461). Elsevier.

Whole Book:

LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (Eds.), & Singh, M. D., Thirsk, L. M., Stahlke, S., & Perumal, R. V. (Cdn. Eds.). (2022). LoBiondo-Wood and Haber's nursing research in Canada: Methods, critical appraisal, and utilization (5th ed.). Elsevier.

Perry's Maternal Child Nursing Care in Canada

This textbook was originally an American publication (Maternal Child Nursing Care, 6th ed.) that has been adapted to a Canadian context (Perry's Maternal Child Nursing Care in Canada, 3rd ed.). The original American text is edited by Perry, Lowdermilk, Cashion, Alden, Olshansky, Hockenberry, Wilson, and Rodgers. The Canadian edition was edited by Keenan-Lindsay, Sams, and O'Connor.

For obvious reasons, the American Psychological Association does not have specific rules for books that have been adapted into a Canadian context. For this book, I recommend using our homemade "Chapter in an Edited Book with Canadian and American Editors" and our homemade "Adapted Chapter in an Edited Book" examples: APA 7th ed.

Chapter Example: author(s) only

Hurley, E. (2022). Contemporary perinatal and pediatric nursing in Canada. In S. E. Perry, D. L. Lowdermilk, M. C. Cashion, K. R. Alden, E. F. Olshansky, M. J. Hockenberry, D. Wilson, & C. C. Rodgers (Eds.), & L. Keenan-Lindsay, C. A. Sams, & C. O'Connor (Cdn. Eds.), Perry's maternal child nursing care in Canada (3rd ed., pp. 2-14). Elsevier. 

Chapter Example: original authors and adapters

In this example, Perry is the chapter's original author and MacKinnon adapted the chapter for a Canadian context. 

Perry, S. E. (2022). The family and culture (K. MacKinnon, Cdn. Adapt.). In S. E. Perry, D. L. Lowdermilk, M. C. Cashion, K. R. Alden, E. F. Olshansky, M. J. Hockenberry, D. Wilson, & C. C. Rodgers (Eds.), & L. Keenan-Lindsay, C. A. Sams, & C. O'Connor (Cdn. Eds.), Perry's maternal child nursing care in Canada (3rd ed., pp. 15-26). Elsevier. 

Whole Book:

Perry, S. E., Lowdermilk, D. L, Cashion, M. C., Alden, K. R., Olshansky, E. F., Hockenberry, M. J., Wilson, D., & Rodgers, C. C. (Eds.), &  Keenan-Lindsay, L., Sams, C. A., & O'Connor, C. (Cdn. Eds.). (2022). Perry's maternal child nursing care in Canada (3rd ed.). Elsevier. 

PN Conceptual Framework

The Red Deer Polytechnic Practical Nurse Conceptual Framework was created by instructors at RDP. Since this document is posted throughout the PN Blackboard courses, Blackboard can be used as the source element.

Magas, C., Sherrer, C., Christensen, S., & Werkema, C. (2023). Red Deer Polytechnic Practical Nurse conceptual framework. Blackboard.

Potter & Perry Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing (6th ed.)

This textbook was originally an American publication (Fundamentals of Nursing, 9th ed.) that has been adapted to a Canadian context (Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing, 6th ed.). The original American text is edited by Potter, Stockert, Perry, and Hall. The Canadian edition was edited by Astle and Duggleby.

For obvious reasons, the American Psychological Association does not have specific rules for books that have been adapted into a Canadian context. For this book, I recommend using our homemade "Chapter in an Edited Book with Canadian and American Editors" and our homemade "Adapted Chapter in an Edited Book" examples: APA 7th ed.

Chapter Example: original authors only

Stephen, T. (2019). Vital signs. In P. A. Potter, P. Stockert, A. G. Perry, & A. Hall (Eds.), & B. J. Astle, & W. Duggleby (Cdn. Eds.), Canadian fundamentals of nursing (6th ed., pp. 526-573). Elsevier. 

Chapter Example: original authors and adapters

In this example, Ayzengart is the chapter's original author and Edgecombe adapted the chapter for a Canadian context. 

Ayzengart, K. N. (2019). Patient education (N. A. Edgecombe, Cdn. Adapt.). In P. A. Potter, P. Stockert, A. G. Perry, & A. Hall (Eds.), & B. J. Astle, & W. Duggleby (Cdn. Eds.), Canadian fundamentals of nursing (6th ed., pp. 324-342). Elsevier. 

Whole Book:

Potter, P. A., Stockert, P., Perry, A. G., & Hall, A. (Eds.), & Astle, B. J., & Duggleby, W. (Cdn. Eds.). (2019). Canadian fundamentals of nursing (6th ed.). Elsevier. 

Potter & Perry Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing (7th ed.)

This textbook was originally an American publication (Fundamentals of Nursing, 10th ed.) that has been adapted to a Canadian context (Potter and Perry's Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing, 7th ed.). The original American text is edited by Potter, Stockert, Perry, and Hall. The Canadian edition was edited by Astle and Duggleby.

For obvious reasons, the American Psychological Association does not have specific rules for books that have been adapted into a Canadian context. For this book, I recommend using our homemade "Chapter in an Edited Book with Canadian and American Editors" and our homemade "Adapted Chapter in an Edited Book" examples: APA 7th ed.

Chapter Example: chapter authors only

Duggleby, W., Astle, B. J., & Schick-Makaroff, K. (2024). Evidence-informed practice. In P. A. Potter, P. Stockert, A. G. Perry, & A. Hall (Eds.), & B. J. Astle, & W. Duggleby (Cdn. Eds.), Potter and Perry's Canadian fundamentals of nursing (7th ed., pp. 98-108). Elsevier. 

Chapter Example: original authors and adapters

In this example, Potter is the chapter's original author ("original chapter contributions by...") and Meherali adapted the chapter for a Canadian context ("Canadian content written by...")

Potter, P. A. (2024). Critical thinking in nursing practice (S. Meherali, Cdn. Adapt.). In P. A. Potter, P. Stockert, A. G. Perry, & A. Hall (Eds.), & B. J. Astle, & W. Duggleby (Cdn. Eds.), Potter and Perry's Canadian fundamentals of nursing (7th ed., pp. 85-97). Elsevier. 

Whole Book:

Potter, P. A., Stockert, P., Perry, A. G., & Hall, A. (Eds.), & Astle, B. J., & Duggleby, W. (Cdn. Eds.). (2024). Potter and Perry's Canadian fundamentals of nursing (7th ed.). Elsevier. 

Stanhope and Lancaster's Community Health Nursing in Canada

This textbook was originally an American publication (Foundations for Population Health in Community/ Public Health Nursing, 5th ed.) that has been adapted to a Canadian context (Stanhope and Lancaster's Community Health Nursing in Canada, 4th ed.). The original American text is written by Stanhope and Lancaster. The Canadian edition was adapted by MacDonald and Jakubec.

For obvious reasons, the American Psychological Association does not have specific rules for books that have been adapted into a Canadian context. For this book, I recommend using the normal format for authored books: APA 7th ed. Although this book has been adapted, the original authors are included in the title; in this case, I consider the title to be adequate attribution.

If there are chapters within this book that have specified chapter authors, I recommend citing this as a chapter in an edited book with MacDonald and Jakubec as the editors: APA 7th ed.

Whole Book:

MacDonald, S. A., & Jakubec, S. L. (2022). Stanhope and Lancaster's community health nursing in Canada (4th ed.). Elsevier.

(If chapter authors are present) Chapter Example: 

Bearskin, R. L. B. & Jakubec, S. L. (2022). Diversity and relational practice in community health nursing. In S. A. MacDonald & S. L. Jakubec (Ed.), Stanhope and Lancaster's community health nursing in Canada (4th ed., pp. 145-175). Elsevier. 


StatPearls content can either be cited as an eBook, or webpage. For the examples below, we'll be using this work as an example. 

Citing as an eBook:

Sapra, A., & Bhandari, P. (2024). Diabetes. StatsPearls Publishing. 

Citing as a Webpage:

Sapra, A., & Bhandari, P. (2024). Diabetes. National Library of Medicine. 


Timby's Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing

Previous editions of this textbook were written by Barbara K. Timby. In the 13th edition, Timby in the book's title and the authors are Donnelly-Moreno and Moseley.

For this book, I recommend using the normal format for authored books: APA 7th ed. In this case, I consider the title to be adequate attribution to the original author.

Whole Book:

Donnelly-Moreno, L. A., & Moseley, B. (2022). Timby's introductory medical-surgical nursing (13th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.