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Academic Integrity Fundamentals Tutorial

Steps for avoiding cheating:

As an RDP student, you are expected to behave with honesty and integrity, especially when completing quizzes, test, and exams.

To avoid accusations of exam cheating:

  1. Know the exam guidelines
  2. Remove distractions
  3. Look away from other students
  4. Hand your exam directly to your instructor

Contract cheating by paying for student work can pose significant risks. In order to use their services, companies gather personal and financial information from you. If you try to leave the service, companies may threaten to tell your institution that you have been cheating in order to make you keep using the service and sending more money. It is a scary thought!

1. Know the exam guidelines

Exams may have different guidelines. It is important for you to know those guidelines and follow them closely. Exam guidelines may include:

  • If you can use books or notes
  • If you can bring devices, such as calculators

2. Remove distractions

Before coming to the exam location, take care of all of your necessities and be prepared. You do not want to worry about incoming phone calls, needing to use the bathroom, having to borrow a calculator or pencil, etc.

3. Look away from other students

During an exam, it is normal to pause and take a break or think about a question. If you look around, be careful to look in the direction of the instructor, toward the front of the classroom, or away from other students.

Looking at other students or looking away from the instructor can be misconstrued as looking at someone else's exam. Similarly, fidgeting with your clothes or reaching into your bag can look suspicious.

4. Hand your exam directly to your instructor

When submitting your completed exam, hand it directly to the instructor. This ensures your instructor is aware that you have completed and turned in your exam.

This page contains content adapted Northern Illinois University (NIU), and is used under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Changes include rewriting and remixing content and adding original material.